Source code for

import os
import math
from itertools import groupby
from multiprocessing import Process
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import samna
import samnagui
import torch

from .utils import parse_device_id, standardize_device_id

# A map of all device types and their corresponding samna `device_name`
device_types = {
    "speck": "speck",
    "speck2b": "Speck2bTestboard",
    "speck2devkit": "Speck2DevKit",
    "speck2btiny": "Speck2bDevKitTiny",
    "speck2e": "Speck2eTestBoard",  # with a capital B for board
    "speck2edevkit": "Speck2eDevKit",
    "speck2fmodule": "Speck2fModuleDevKit",
    "speck2fdevkit": "Speck2fDevKit",
    "dynapse1devkit": "Dynapse1DevKit",
    "davis346": "Davis 346",
    "davis240": "Davis 240",
    "dvxplorer": "DVXplorer",
    "pollendevkit": "PollenDevKit",
    "dynapcnndevkit": "DynapcnnDevKit",
    "dynapse2": "DYNAP-SE2 DevBoard",
    "dynapse2_stack": "DYNAP-SE2 Stack",

device_type_map = {v: k for (k, v) in device_types.items()}
device_map = {}

[docs]def enable_timestamps( device_id: str, ) -> None: """ Disable timestamps of the samna node Args ---- device_id: str Name of the device to initialize. Required for different existing APIs for Dynapcnndevkit and Speck chips """ device_id = standardize_device_id(device_id=device_id) device_name, device_idx = parse_device_id(device_id) device_info = device_map[device_id] device_handle = samna.device.open_device(device_info) if device_name.lower() == "dynapcnndevkit": device_handle.get_io_module().write_config(0x0003, 1) else: device_handle.get_stop_watch().set_enable_value(True)
[docs]def disable_timestamps( device_id: str, ) -> None: """ Disable timestamps of the samna node Args ---- device_id: str Name of the device to initialize. Required for different existing APIs for Dynapcnndevkit and Speck chips """ device_id = standardize_device_id(device_id=device_id) device_name, device_idx = parse_device_id(device_id) device_info = device_map[device_id] device_handle = samna.device.open_device(device_info) if device_name.lower() == "dynapcnndevkit": device_handle.get_io_module().write_config(0x0003, 0) else: device_handle.get_stop_watch().set_enable_value(False)
[docs]def reset_timestamps( device_id: str, ) -> None: """ Disable timestamps of the samna node Args ---- device_id: str Name of the device to initialize. Required for different existing APIs for Dynapcnndevkit and Speck chips """ device_id = standardize_device_id(device_id=device_id) device_name, device_idx = parse_device_id(device_id) device_info = device_map[device_id] device_handle = samna.device.open_device(device_info) if device_name.lower() == "dynapcnndevkit": device_handle.get_io_module().write_config(0x0003, 1) else: device_handle.get_stop_watch().reset()
[docs]def events_to_raster(event_list: List, layer: int) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert an eventList read from `samna` to a tensor `raster` by filtering only the events specified by `layer`. Parameters ---------- event_list: List A list comprising of events from samna API layer: int The index of layer for which the data needs to be converted Returns ------- raster: torch.Tensor """ evs_filtered = filter( lambda x: isinstance(x, samna.dynapcnn.event.Spike), event_list ) evs_filtered = filter(lambda x: x.layer == layer, evs_filtered) raise NotImplementedError raster = map(rasterize, evs_filtered) return raster
[docs]def events_to_xytp(event_list: List, layer: int) -> np.array: """ Convert an eventList read from `samna` to a numpy structured array of `x`, `y`, `t`, `channel`. Parameters ---------- event_list: List A list comprising of events from samna API layer: int The index of layer for which the data needs to be converted Returns ------- xytc: np.array A numpy structured array with columns `x`, `y`, `t`, `channel`. """ evs_filtered = list( filter( lambda x: isinstance(x, samna.dynapcnn.event.Spike) and x.layer == layer, event_list, ) ) xytc = np.empty( len(evs_filtered), dtype=[ ("x", np.uint16), ("y", np.uint16), ("t", np.uint64), ("channel", np.uint16), ], ) for i, event in enumerate(evs_filtered): xytc[i]["x"] = event.x xytc[i]["y"] = event.y xytc[i]["t"] = event.timestamp xytc[i]["channel"] = event.feature return xytc
[docs]def get_device_map() -> Dict: """ Returns ------- dict(str: samna.device.DeviceInfo) Returns a dict of device name and device identifier. """ def sort_devices(devices: List) -> List: devices.sort(key=lambda x: x.usb_device_address) return devices # Get all devices available devices = samna.device.get_all_devices() # Group by device_type_name device_groups = groupby(devices, lambda x: x.device_type_name) # Switch keys from samna's device_type_name to device_type names device_groups = { device_type_map[k]: sort_devices(list(v)) for k, v in device_groups } # Flat map for dev_type, dev_list in device_groups.items(): for i, dev in enumerate(dev_list): device_map[f"{dev_type}:{i}"] = dev return device_map
[docs]def is_device_type(dev_info: samna.device.DeviceInfo, dev_type: str) -> bool: """ Check if a DeviceInfo object is of a given device type `dev_type` Args ---- dev_info: samna.device.DeviceInfo Device info object dev_type: str Device type as a string Returns: -------- bool """ return dev_info.device_type_name == device_types[dev_type]
[docs]def discover_device(device_id: str): """ Discover a samna device by device_name:device_id pair Args ---- device_id: str Device name/identifier (dynapcnndevkit:0 or speck:0 or dvxplorer:1 ... ) The convention is similar to that of pytorch GPU identifier ie cuda:0 , cuda:1 etc. Returns ------- device_info: samna.device.DeviceInfo """ device_id = standardize_device_id(device_id=device_id) device_info = device_map[device_id] return device_info
[docs]def open_device(device_id: str): """ Open device function. Args ---- device_id: str device_name:device_id pair given as a string Returns ------- device_handle: samna.device.* Device handle received from samna. """ device_id = standardize_device_id(device_id=device_id) device_map = get_device_map() device_info = device_map[device_id] device_handle = samna.device.open_device(device_info) if device_handle is not None: return device_handle else: raise IOError("The connection to the device cannot be established.")
[docs]def close_device(device_id: str): """ Close a device by device identifier Args ---- device_id: str device_name:device_id pair given as a string. dynapcnndevkit:0 or speck:0 or dynapcnndevkit:1 """ device_id = standardize_device_id(device_id=device_id) device_info = device_map[device_id] device_handle = samna.device.open_device(device_info) print(f"Closing device: {device_id}") samna.device.close_device(device_handle)
[docs]def launch_visualizer( receiver_endpoint: str, width_proportion: float = 0.6, height_proportion: float = 0.6, disjoint_process: bool = True, ): """ Launch the samna visualizer in a separate process. NOTE: MacOS users will want to use disjoint_process as True as a GUI process cannot be launched as a subprocess. Args: receiver_endpoint (str): the visualiser’s endpoint for receiving events (e.g. “tcp://”). width_proportion (bool): the rate between window width and workarea width of main monitor, default 0.75 which means this window has a width which equals to 3/4 width of main monitor’s workarea. height_proportion (bool): the rate between window height and workarea height of main monitor, default 0.75 which means this window has a height which equals to 3/4 height of main monitor’s workarea. disjoint_process (bool, optional): If true, will be launched in a disjoint shell process. Defaults to True. If false, this just runs the default samna command. Returns: gui_process (Process): The gui sub-process handle if disjoint_process was False. """ if disjoint_process: os.system( f"samnagui -W {width_proportion} -H {height_proportion} {receiver_endpoint} &" ) else: gui_process = Process( target=samnagui.run_visualizer, args=(receiver_endpoint, width_proportion, height_proportion), ) gui_process.start() return gui_process
[docs]def calculate_neuron_address( x: int, y: int, c: int, feature_map_size: Tuple[int, int, int] ) -> int: """ Calculate the neuron address on the devkit. This function is designed for ReadNeuronValue event to help the user check the neuron value of the SNN on the devkit. Args ---- x: int x coordinate of the neuron y: int y coordinate of the neuron c: int channel index of the neuron feature_map_size: Tuple[int, int, int] the size of the feature map [channel, height, width] Returns ---- neuron_address: int """ # calculate how many bits it takes based on the feature map size channel, height, width = feature_map_size x_bits = math.ceil(math.log2(width)) y_bits = math.ceil(math.log2(height)) channel_bits = math.ceil(math.log2(channel)) assert ( x_bits + y_bits + channel_bits <= 18 ), "Bits overflow! Check if your input arguments are correct!" x_shift_bits = channel_bits y_shift_bits = channel_bits + y_bits y_address = y << y_shift_bits x_address = x << x_shift_bits c_address = c neuron_address = y_address | x_address | c_address return neuron_address
[docs]def neuron_address_to_cxy( address: int, feature_map_size: Tuple[int, int, int] ) -> Tuple: """ Calculate the c, x, y, coordinate of a neuron when the address of the NeuronValue event is given Args ---- address: int the neuron address of the NeuronValue event feature_map_size: Tuple[int, int, int] the size of the feature map [channel, height, width] Returns ---- neuron_cxy: Tuple[int, int, int] the [channel, x, y] of the neuron """ # calculate how many bits it takes based on the feature map size channel, height, width = feature_map_size x_bits = math.ceil(math.log2(width)) y_bits = math.ceil(math.log2(height)) channel_bits = math.ceil(math.log2(channel)) assert ( x_bits + y_bits + channel_bits <= 18 ), "Bits overflow! Check if your input arguments are correct!" x_shift_bits = channel_bits y_shift_bits = channel_bits + y_bits y = address >> y_shift_bits x = (address >> x_shift_bits) & (2**x_bits - 1) c = address & (2**channel_bits - 1) return c, x, y