Source code for sinabs.backend.dynapcnn.dynapcnn_layer

import sinabs.activation
import torch
from torch import nn
import numpy as np
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Optional, Union
import sinabs.layers as sl
from warnings import warn
from .discretize import discretize_conv_spike_
from copy import deepcopy
from .dvs_layer import expand_to_pair

[docs]class DynapcnnLayer(nn.Module): """ Create a DynapcnnLayer object representing a dynapcnn layer. Requires a convolutional layer, a sinabs spiking layer and an optional pooling value. The layers are used in the order conv -> spike -> pool. Parameters ---------- conv: torch.nn.Conv2d or torch.nn.Linear Convolutional or linear layer (linear will be converted to convolutional) spk: sinabs.layers.IAFSqueeze Sinabs IAF layer in_shape: tuple of int The input shape, needed to create dynapcnn configs if the network does not contain an input layer. Convention: (features, height, width) pool: int or None Integer representing the sum pooling kernel and stride. If `None`, no pooling will be applied. discretize: bool Whether to discretize parameters. rescale_weights: int Layer weights will be divided by this value. """ def __init__( self, conv: nn.Conv2d, spk: sl.IAFSqueeze, in_shape: Tuple[int, int, int], pool: Optional[sl.SumPool2d] = None, discretize: bool = True, rescale_weights: int = 1, ): super().__init__() self.input_shape = in_shape spk = deepcopy(spk) if isinstance(conv, nn.Linear): conv = self._convert_linear_to_conv(conv) if spk.is_state_initialised(): # Expand dims spk.v_mem = else: conv = deepcopy(conv) if rescale_weights != 1: # this has to be done after copying but before discretizing = (conv.weight / rescale_weights).clone().detach() self.discretize = discretize if discretize: # int conversion is done while writing the config. conv, spk = discretize_conv_spike_(conv, spk, to_int=False) self.conv_layer = conv self.spk_layer = spk if pool is not None: if pool.kernel_size[0] != pool.kernel_size[1]: raise ValueError("Only square kernels are supported") self.pool_layer = deepcopy(pool) else: self.pool_layer = None def _convert_linear_to_conv(self, lin: nn.Linear) -> nn.Conv2d: """ Convert Linear layer to Conv2d. Parameters ---------- lin: nn.Linear Linear layer to be converted Returns ------- nn.Conv2d Convolutional layer equivalent to `lin`. """ in_chan, in_h, in_w = self.input_shape if lin.in_features != in_chan * in_h * in_w: raise ValueError("Shapes don't match.") layer = nn.Conv2d( in_channels=in_chan, kernel_size=(in_h, in_w), out_channels=lin.out_features, padding=0, bias=lin.bias is not None, ) if lin.bias is not None: = = ( .detach() .reshape((lin.out_features, in_chan, in_h, in_w)) ) return layer
[docs] def get_neuron_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: """ Return the output shape of the neuron layer Returns ------- features, height, width """ def get_shape_after_conv(layer: nn.Conv2d, input_shape): (ch_in, h_in, w_in) = input_shape (kh, kw) = expand_to_pair(layer.kernel_size) (pad_h, pad_w) = expand_to_pair(layer.padding) (stride_h, stride_w) = expand_to_pair(layer.stride) def out_len(in_len, k, s, p): return (in_len - k + 2 * p) // s + 1 out_h = out_len(h_in, kh, stride_h, pad_h) out_w = out_len(w_in, kw, stride_w, pad_w) ch_out = layer.out_channels return ch_out, out_h, out_w conv_out_shape = get_shape_after_conv(self.conv_layer, input_shape=self.input_shape) return conv_out_shape
def get_output_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: neuron_shape = self.get_neuron_shape() # this is the actual output shape, including pooling if self.pool_layer is not None: pool = expand_to_pair(self.pool_layer.kernel_size) return ( neuron_shape[0], neuron_shape[1] // pool[0], neuron_shape[2] // pool[1], ) else: return neuron_shape def summary(self) -> dict: return { "pool": None if self.pool_layer is None else list(self.pool_layer.kernel_size), "kernel": list(, "neuron": self.get_neuron_shape(), }
[docs] def memory_summary(self): """ Computes the amount of memory required for each of the components. Note that this is not necessarily the same as the number of parameters due to some architecture design constraints. .. math:: K_{MT} = c \\cdot 2^{\\lceil \\log_2\\left(k_xk_y\\right) \\rceil + \\lceil \\log_2\\left(f\\right) \\rceil} .. math:: N_{MT} = f \\cdot 2^{ \\lceil \\log_2\\left(f_y\\right) \\rceil + \\lceil \\log_2\\left(f_x\\right) \\rceil } Returns ------- A dictionary with keys kernel, neuron and bias and the corresponding memory sizes """ summary = self.summary() f, c, h, w = summary["kernel"] f, neuron_height, neuron_width = self.get_neuron_shape() return { "kernel": c * pow(2, np.ceil(np.log2(h * w)) + np.ceil(np.log2(f))), "neuron": f * pow(2, np.ceil(np.log2(neuron_height)) + np.ceil(np.log2(neuron_width))), "bias": 0 if self.conv_layer.bias is None else len(self.conv_layer.bias), }
[docs] def forward(self, x): """Torch forward pass.""" x = self.conv_layer(x) x = self.spk_layer(x) if self.pool_layer is not None: x = self.pool_layer(x) return x
[docs] def zero_grad(self, set_to_none: bool = False) -> None: return self.spk_layer.zero_grad(set_to_none)