Source code for sinabs.backend.dynapcnn.discretize

from typing import Optional, Tuple
from copy import deepcopy
from warnings import warn

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import sinabs.layers as sl


[docs]def discretize_conv_spike( conv_lyr: nn.Conv2d, spike_lyr: sl.IAF, to_int: bool = True ) -> Tuple[nn.Conv2d, sl.IAF]: """Discretize convolutional and spiking layers together. This function takes a 2D convolutional and a spiking layer and returns a copy of each, with discretized weights, bias and threshold. Parameters ---------- conv_lyr: nn.Conv2d Convolutional layer spike_lyr: sl.IAF Spiking layer to_int: bool Use integer types for discretized parameter Returns ------- nn.Conv2d Discretized copy of convolutional layer sl.IAF Discretized copy of spiking layer """ conv_lyr_copy = deepcopy(conv_lyr) spike_lyr_copy = deepcopy(spike_lyr) return discretize_conv_spike_(conv_lyr_copy, spike_lyr_copy, to_int=to_int)
[docs]def discretize_conv_spike_( conv_lyr: nn.Conv2d, spike_lyr: sl.IAF, to_int: bool = True ) -> Tuple[nn.Conv2d, sl.IAF]: """Discretize convolutional and spiking layers together, in-place. This function takes a 2D convolutional and a spiking layer and discretizes weights, bias and threshold in-place. Parameters ---------- conv_lyr: nn.Conv2d Convolutional layer spike_lyr: sl.IAF Spiking layer to_int: bool Use integer types for discretized parameter Returns ------- nn.Conv2d Discretized convolutional layer sl.IAF Discretized spiking layer """ return _discretize_conv_spk_(conv_lyr, spike_lyr, to_int=to_int)
[docs]def discretize_conv( layer: nn.Conv2d, spk_thr: float, spk_thr_low: float, spk_state: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, to_int: bool = True, ): """Discretize convolutional layer. This function takes a 2D convolutional layer and parameters of a subsequent spiking layer to return a discretized copy of the convolutional layer. Parameters ---------- layer: nn.Conv2d Convolutional layer spk_thr: float Upper threshold of subsequent spiking layer spk_thr_low: float Lower threshold of subsequent spiking layer spk_state: torch.Tensor or None State of spiking layer. to_int: bool Use integer types for discretized parameter Returns ------- nn.Conv2d Discretized copy of convolutional layer """ lyr_copy = deepcopy(layer) layer_discr = discretize_conv_( layer=lyr_copy, spk_thr=spk_thr, spk_thr_low=spk_thr_low, spk_state=spk_state, to_int=to_int, ) return layer_discr
[docs]def discretize_conv_( layer: nn.Conv2d, spk_thr: float, spk_thr_low: float, spk_state: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, to_int: bool = True, ): """Discretize convolutional layer, in-place. This function discretizes a 2D convolutional layer in-place, based on parameters of a subsequent spiking layer. Parameters ---------- layer: nn.Conv2d Convolutional layer spk_thr: float Upper threshold of subsequent spiking layer spk_thr_low: float Lower threshold of subsequent spiking layer spk_state: torch.Tensor or None State of spiking layer. to_int: bool Use integer types for discretized parameter Returns ------- nn.Conv2d Discretized convolutional layer """ layer_discr, __ = _discretize_conv_spk_( conv_lyr=layer, spk_thr=spk_thr, spk_thr_low=spk_thr_low, spk_state=spk_state, to_int=to_int, ) return layer_discr
[docs]def discretize_spk( layer: sl.IAF, conv_weight: torch.Tensor, conv_bias: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, to_int: bool = True, ): """Discretize spiking layer. This function takes a spiking layer and parameters of a preceding convolutional layer to return a discretized copy of the spiking layer. Parameters ---------- layer: sl.IAF Spiking layer conv_weight: torch.Tensor Weight tensor of preceding convolutional layer conv_bias: torch.Tensor or None Bias of preceding convolutional layer to_int: bool Use integer types for discretized parameter Returns ------- sl.IAF Discretized copy of spiking layer """ lyr_copy = deepcopy(layer) layer_discr = discretize_spk_( layer=lyr_copy, conv_weight=conv_weight, conv_bias=conv_bias, to_int=to_int ) return layer_discr
[docs]def discretize_spk_( layer: sl.IAF, conv_weight: torch.Tensor, conv_bias: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, to_int: bool = True, ): """Discretize spiking layer in-place. This function discretizes a spiking layer in-place, based on parameters of a preceding convolutional layer. Parameters ---------- layer: sl.IAF Spiking layer conv_weight: torch.Tensor Weight tensor of preceding convolutional layer conv_bias: torch.Tensor or None Bias of preceding convolutional layer to_int: bool Use integer types for discretized parameter Returns ------- sl.IAF Discretized spiking """ __, layer_discr = _discretize_conv_spk_( spike_lyr=layer, conv_weight=conv_weight, conv_bias=conv_bias, to_int=to_int ) return layer_discr
def _discretize_conv_spk_( conv_lyr: Optional[nn.Conv2d] = None, spike_lyr: Optional[sl.IAF] = None, spk_thr: Optional[float] = None, spk_thr_low: Optional[float] = None, spk_state: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, conv_weight: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, conv_bias: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, to_int: bool = True, ): """Discretize convolutional and spiking layer Determine and apply a suitable scaling factor for weight and bias of convolutional layer as well as thresholds and state of spiking layer, taking into account current parameters and available precision on DYNAP-CNN. Instead of providing layers, respective parameters can be provided directly. If a layer is not provided, `None` will be returned instead of its discrete version. Parameters ---------- conv_lyr: nn.Conv2d or None Convolutional layer spike_lyr: sl.IAF or None Spiking layer spk_thr: float or None Upper threshold of spiking layer. Has to be provided if `spike_lyr` is `None`. Is ignored otherwise. spk_thr_low: float or None Lower threshold of spiking layer. Has to be provided if `spike_lyr` is `None`. Is ignored otherwise. spk_state: torch.Tensor or None State of spiking layer. Ignored if `spike_lyr` is not `None`. conv_weight: torch.Tensor or None Weight of convolutional layer. Has to be provided if `conv_lyr` is `None`. Is ignored otherwise. conv_bias: torch.Tensor or None Bias of convolutional layer. Ignored if `conv_lyr` is not `None`. to_int: bool Use integer types for discretized parameters. Returns ------- nn.Conv2d or None Discretized convolutional layer if `conv_lyr` is not `None`, else `None` sl.IAF or None Discretized spiking layer if `spk_lyr` is not `None`, else `None` """ if conv_lyr is None: discr_conv = False if conv_weight is None: raise TypeError("If `conv_lyr` is `None`, `weight` must be provided.") if conv_bias is None: conv_bias = torch.zeros(conv_weight.shape[0]) else: if not isinstance(conv_lyr, nn.Conv2d): raise TypeError("`conv_lyr` must be of type `Conv2d`") discr_conv = True # - Weights and bias if conv_lyr.bias is not None: conv_weight, conv_bias = conv_lyr.parameters() else: (conv_weight,) = conv_lyr.parameters() conv_bias = torch.zeros(conv_lyr.out_channels) if spike_lyr is None: discr_spk = False if spk_thr is None or spk_thr_low is None: raise TypeError( "If `spk_lyr` is `None`, both `spk_thr` and `spk_thr_low` must be provided." ) # - Lower and upper thresholds in a tensor for easier handling thresholds = torch.tensor((spk_thr_low, spk_thr)) else: if not isinstance(spike_lyr, sl.IAF): raise TypeError("`spike_lyr` must be of type `IAF`") discr_spk = True if spike_lyr.min_v_mem is None: min_v_mem = -(2**15) else: min_v_mem = spike_lyr.min_v_mem # - Lower and upper thresholds in a tensor for easier handling thresholds = torch.tensor((min_v_mem, spike_lyr.spike_threshold)) # - Scaling of conv_weight, conv_bias, thresholds and neuron states # Determine by which common factor conv_weight, conv_bias and thresholds can be scaled # such each they matches its precision specificaitons. scaling_w = determine_discretization_scale( conv_weight, DYNAPCNN_WEIGHT_PRECISION_BITS ) scaling_b = determine_discretization_scale( conv_bias, DYNAPCNN_WEIGHT_PRECISION_BITS ) scaling_t = determine_discretization_scale( thresholds, DYNAPCNN_STATE_PRECISION_BITS ) if spike_lyr is not None and spike_lyr.is_state_initialised(): scaling_n = determine_discretization_scale( spike_lyr.v_mem, DYNAPCNN_STATE_PRECISION_BITS ) scaling = min(scaling_w, scaling_b, scaling_t, scaling_n) # Scale neuron state with common scaling factor and discretize = discretize_tensor(, scaling, to_int=to_int ).float() else: scaling = min(scaling_w, scaling_b, scaling_t) # Scale conv_weight, conv_bias and thresholds with common scaling factor and discretize if discr_conv: = discretize_tensor( conv_weight, scaling, to_int=to_int ).float() = discretize_tensor(conv_bias, scaling, to_int=to_int).float() if discr_spk: min_v_mem, spike_threshold = discretize_tensor( thresholds, scaling, to_int=to_int ) spike_lyr.min_v_mem, spike_lyr.spike_threshold = nn.Parameter( min_v_mem, requires_grad=False ), nn.Parameter(spike_threshold, requires_grad=False) # Logic changes with use of activation functions # TODO: Add check for the activation function in use # if spike_lyr.membrane_subtract != spike_lyr.threshold: # warn( # "SpikingConv2dLayer: Subtraction of membrane potential is always by high threshold." # ) return conv_lyr, spike_lyr
[docs]def determine_discretization_scale(obj: torch.Tensor, bit_precision: int) -> float: """Determine a scale for discretization Determine how much the values of a torch tensor can be scaled in order to fit the given precision Parameters ---------- obj: torch.Tensor Tensor that is to be scaled bit_precision: int The precision in bits Returns ------- float The scaling factor """ # Discrete range min_val_disc = -(2 ** (bit_precision - 1)) max_val_disc = 2 ** (bit_precision - 1) - 1 # Range in which values lie min_val_obj = torch.min(obj) max_val_obj = torch.max(obj) # Determine if negative or positive values are to be considered for scaling # Take into account that range for diescrete negative values is slightly larger than for positive min_max_ratio_disc = abs(min_val_disc / max_val_disc) if abs(min_val_obj) <= abs(max_val_obj) * min_max_ratio_disc: scaling = abs(max_val_disc / max_val_obj) else: scaling = abs(min_val_disc / min_val_obj) return scaling
[docs]def discretize_tensor( obj: torch.Tensor, scaling: float, to_int: bool = True ) -> torch.Tensor: """Scale a torch.Tensor and cast it to discrete integer values Parameters ---------- obj: torch.Tensor Tensor that is to be discretized scaling: float Scaling factor to be applied before discretization to_int: bool If False, round the values, but don't cast to Int. (Default True). Returns ------- torch.Tensor Scaled and discretized copy of `obj`. """ # Scale the values obj_scaled = obj * scaling # Round and cast to integers obj_scaled_rounded = torch.round(obj_scaled) if to_int: obj_scaled_rounded = return obj_scaled_rounded
[docs]def discretize_scalar(obj: float, scaling: float) -> int: """Scale a float and cast it to discrete integer values Parameters ---------- obj: float Value that is to be discretized scaling: float Scaling factor to be applied before discretization Returns ------- int Scaled and discretized copy of `obj`. """ # Scale the values obj_scaled = obj * float(scaling) # Round and cast to integers return round(obj_scaled)