
class nn.layers.Layer(weights: ndarray, dt: float = 1.0, noise_std: float = 0.0, name: str = 'unnamed', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ABC

Base class for Layers in rockpool

This abstract class acts as a base class from which to derive subclasses that represent layers of neurons. As an abstract class, Layer cannot be instantiated.

Attributes overview


(str) Class name of self


(float) Simulation time step of this layer


(Type[TimeSeries]) Input TimeSeries subclass accepted by this layer.


(float) Noise injected into the state of this layer during evolution


(Type[TimeSeries]) Output TimeSeries subclass emitted by this layer.


(int) Number of units in this layer (N)


(int) Number of input channels accepted by this layer (M)


(int) Number of output channels produced by this layer (O)


(str) Return a string containing the layer subclass name and the layer name attribute


(ndarray) Internal state of this layer (N)


(float) The current evolution time of this layer


(ndarray) Weights encapsulated by this layer (MxN)

Methods overview

__init__(weights[, dt, noise_std, name])

Implement an abstract layer of neurons (no implementation, must be subclassed)

evolve([ts_input, duration, num_timesteps])

Abstract method to evolve the state of this layer

load_from_dict(config, **kwargs)

Generate instance of a Layer subclass with parameters loaded from a dictionary

load_from_file(filename, **kwargs)

Generate an instance of a Layer subclass, with parameters loaded from a file


Randomize the internal state of this layer


Reset both the internal clock and the internal state of the layer


Reset the internal state of this layer


Reset the internal clock of this layer to 0

save(config, filename)

Save a set of parameters to a json file


Obtain layer paramters from to_dict and save in a json file


Convert parameters of this layer to a dict if they are relevant for reconstructing an identical layer

__init__(weights: ndarray, dt: float = 1.0, noise_std: float = 0.0, name: str = 'unnamed', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Implement an abstract layer of neurons (no implementation, must be subclassed)

  • weights (ArrayLike[float]) – Weight matrix for this layer. Indexed as [pre, post]

  • dt (float) – Time-step used for evolving this layer. Default: 1

  • noise_std (float) – Std. Dev. of state noise when evolving this layer. Default: 0. Defined as the expected std. dev. after 1s of integration time

  • name (str) – Name of this layer. Default: β€˜unnamed’

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
_check_input_dims(inp: ndarray) β†’ ndarray[source]

Verify if dimensions of an input matches this layer instance

If input dimension == 1, scale it up to self._size_in by repeating signal.


inp (ndarray) – ArrayLike containing input data

Return ndarray:

inp, possibly with dimensions repeated

_determine_timesteps(ts_input: TimeSeries | None = None, duration: float | None = None, num_timesteps: int | None = None) β†’ int[source]

Determine how many time steps to evolve with the given input

  • ts_input (Optional[TimeSeries]) – TxM or Tx1 time series of input signals for this layer

  • duration (Optional[float]) – Duration of the desired evolution, in seconds. If not provided, num_timesteps or the duration of ts_input will be used to determine evolution time

  • num_timesteps (Optional[int]) – Number of evolution time steps, in units of dt. If not provided, duration or the duration of ts_input will be used to determine evolution time

Return int:

num_timesteps: Number of evolution time steps

_expand_to_net_size(inp, var_name: str = 'input', allow_none: bool = True) β†’ ndarray[source]

Replicate out a scalar to the size of the layer

  • inp (Any) – scalar or array-like

  • var_name (Optional[str]) – Name of the variable to include in error messages. Default: β€œinput”

  • allow_none (Optionbal[bool]) – If True, allow None as a value for inp. Otherwise an error will be raised. Default: True, allow None

Return ndarray:

Values of inp, replicated out to the size of the current layer

  • AssertionError – If inp is incompatibly sized to replicate out to the layer size

  • AssertionError – If inp is None, and allow_none is False

_expand_to_shape(inp, shape: tuple, var_name: str = 'input', allow_none: bool = True) β†’ ndarray[source]

Replicate out a scalar to an array of shape shape

  • inp (Any) – scalar or array-like of input data

  • shape (Tuple[int]) – tuple defining array shape that input should be expanded to

  • var_name (Optional[str]) – Name of the variable to include in error messages. Default: β€œinput”

  • allow_none (Optional[bool]) – If True, then None is permitted as argument for inp. Otherwise an error will be raised. Default: True, allow None

Return ndarray:

inp, replicated to the correct shape

  • AssertionError – If inp is shaped incompatibly to be replicated to the desired shape

  • AssertionError – If inp is None and allow_none is False

_expand_to_size(inp, size: int, var_name: str = 'input', allow_none: bool = True) β†’ ndarray[source]

Replicate out a scalar to a desired size

  • inp (Any) – scalar or array-like

  • size (int) – Size that input should be expanded to

  • var_name (Optional[str]) – Name of the variable to include in error messages. Default: β€œinput”

  • allow_none (Optional[bool]) – If True, allow None as a value for inp. Otherwise and error will be raised. Default: True, allow None

Return ndarray:

Array of inp, possibly expanded to the desired size

  • AssertionError – If inp is incompatibly shaped to expand to the desired size

  • AssertionError – If inp is None and allow_none is False

_expand_to_weight_size(inp, var_name: str = 'input', allow_none: bool = True) β†’ ndarray[source]

Replicate out a scalar to the size of the layer’s weights

  • inp (Any) – scalar or array-like

  • var_name (Optional[str]) – Name of the variable to include in error messages. Default: β€œinput”

  • allow_none (Optionbal[bool]) – If True, allow None as a value for inp. Otherwise an error will be raised. Default: True, allow None

Return ndarray:

Values of inp, replicated out to the size of the current layer

  • AssertionError – If inp is incompatibly sized to replicate out to the layer size

  • AssertionError – If inp is None, and allow_none is False

_gen_time_trace(t_start: float, num_timesteps: int) β†’ ndarray[source]

Generate a time trace starting at t_start, of length num_timesteps + 1 with time step length _dt

  • t_start (float) – Start time, in seconds

  • num_timesteps (int) – Number of time steps to generate, in units of .dt

Return (ndarray):

Generated time trace

_prepare_input(ts_input: TimeSeries | None = None, duration: float | None = None, num_timesteps: int | None = None) β†’ Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, int][source]

Sample input, set up time base

This function checks an input signal, and prepares a discretised time base according to the time step of the current layer

  • ts_input (Optional[TimeSeries]) – TimeSeries of TxM or Tx1 Input signals for this layer

  • duration (Optional[float]) – Duration of the desired evolution, in seconds. If not provided, then either num_timesteps or the duration of ts_input will define the evolution time

  • num_timesteps (Optional[int]) – Integer number of evolution time steps, in units of .dt. If not provided, then duration or the duration of ts_input will define the evolution time

Return (ndarray, ndarray, int):

(time_base, input_steps, num_timesteps) time_base: T1 Discretised time base for evolution input_raster (T1xN) Discretised input signal for layer num_timesteps: Actual number of evolution time steps, in units of .dt

_prepare_input_continuous(ts_input: TSContinuous | None = None, duration: float | None = None, num_timesteps: int | None = None) β†’ Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, int][source]

Sample input, set up time base

This function checks an input signal, and prepares a discretised time base according to the time step of the current layer

  • ts_input (Optional[TSContinuous]) – TSContinuous of TxM or Tx1 Input signals for this layer

  • duration (Optional[float]) – Duration of the desired evolution, in seconds. If not provided, then either num_timesteps or the duration of ts_input will define the evolution time

  • num_timesteps (Optional[int]) – Integer number of evolution time steps, in units of .dt. If not provided, then duration or the duration of ts_input will define the evolution time

Return (ndarray, ndarray, int):

(time_base, input_steps, num_timesteps) time_base: T1 Discretised time base for evolution input_steps: (T1xN) Discretised input signal for layer num_timesteps: Actual number of evolution time steps, in units of .dt

_prepare_input_events(ts_input: TSEvent | None = None, duration: float | None = None, num_timesteps: int | None = None) β†’ Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, int][source]

Sample input from a TSEvent time series, set up evolution time base

This function checks an input signal, and prepares a discretised time base according to the time step of the current layer

  • ts_input (Optional[TSEvent]) – TimeSeries of TxM or Tx1 Input signals for this layer

  • duration (Optional[float]) – Duration of the desired evolution, in seconds. If not provided, then either num_timesteps or the duration of ts_input will determine evolution itme

  • num_timesteps (Optional[int]) – Number of evolution time steps, in units of .dt. If not provided, then either duration or the duration of ts_input will determine evolution time

Return (ndarray, ndarray, int):

time_base: T1X1 vector of time points – time base for the rasterisation spike_raster: Boolean or integer raster containing spike information. T1xM array num_timesteps: Actual number of evolution time steps, in units of .dt

property _t
property class_name: str

(str) Class name of self

property dt: float

(float) Simulation time step of this layer

abstract evolve(ts_input: TimeSeries | None = None, duration: float | None = None, num_timesteps: int | None = None) β†’ TimeSeries[source]

Abstract method to evolve the state of this layer

This method must be overridden to produce a concrete Layer subclass. The evolve method is the main interface for simulating a layer. It must accept an input time series which determines the signals injected into the layer as input, and return an output time series representing the output of the layer.

  • ts_input (Optional[TimeSeries]) – (TxM) External input trace to use when evolving the layer

  • duration (Optional[float]) – Duration in seconds to evolve the layer. If not provided, then num_timesteps or the duration of ts_input is used to determine evolution time

  • num_timesteps (Optional[int]) – Number of time steps to evolve the layer, in units of .dt. If not provided, then duration or the duration of ts_input is used to determine evolution time

Return TimeSeries:

(TxN) Output of this layer

property input_type

(Type[TimeSeries]) Input TimeSeries subclass accepted by this layer.

classmethod load_from_dict(config: Dict, **kwargs) β†’ cls[source]

Generate instance of a Layer subclass with parameters loaded from a dictionary

  • cls (Any) – A Layer subclass. This class will be used to reconstruct a layer based on the parameters stored in filename

  • config (Dict) – Dictionary containing parameters of a Layer subclass

  • kwargs – Any keyword arguments of the class __init__() method where the parameters from config should be overridden

Return LayerLayer:

Instance of Layer subclass with parameters from config

classmethod load_from_file(filename: str, **kwargs) β†’ cls[source]

Generate an instance of a Layer subclass, with parameters loaded from a file

  • cls (Any) – A Layer subclass. This class will be used to reconstruct a layer based on the parameters stored in filename

  • filename (str) – Path to the file where parameters are stored

  • kwargs – Any keyword arguments of the class __init__ method where the parameter stored in the file should be overridden

Return LayerLayer:

Instance of Layer subclass with parameters loaded from filename

property noise_std

(float) Noise injected into the state of this layer during evolution

This value represents the standard deviation of a white noise process. When subclassing Layer, this value should be corrected by the dt attribute

property output_type

(Type[TimeSeries]) Output TimeSeries subclass emitted by this layer.


Randomize the internal state of this layer

Unless overridden, this method randomizes the layer state based on the current state, using a Normal distribution with std. dev. of 20% of the current state values


Reset both the internal clock and the internal state of the layer


Reset the internal state of this layer

Sets state attribute to all zeros


Reset the internal clock of this layer to 0

save(config: Dict, filename: str)[source]

Save a set of parameters to a json file

  • config (Dict) – Dictionary of attributes to be saved

  • filename (str) – Path of file where parameters are stored

save_layer(filename: str)[source]

Obtain layer paramters from to_dict and save in a json file


filename (str) – Path of file where parameters are to be stored

property size: int

(int) Number of units in this layer (N)

property size_in: int

(int) Number of input channels accepted by this layer (M)

property size_out: int

(int) Number of output channels produced by this layer (O)

property start_print

(str) Return a string containing the layer subclass name and the layer name attribute

property state

(ndarray) Internal state of this layer (N)

property t

(float) The current evolution time of this layer

abstract to_dict() β†’ Dict[source]

Convert parameters of this layer to a dict if they are relevant for reconstructing an identical layer

The base class Layer configures the dictionary, by storing attributes weights; dt; noise_std; name; and class_name. To enable correct saving / loading of your derived Layer subclass, you should first call self.super().to_dict() and then store all additional arguments to __init__() required by your class to instantiate an identical object.

Return Dict:

A dictionary that can be used to reconstruct the layer

property weights: ndarray

(ndarray) Weights encapsulated by this layer (MxN)